Tune in on the AGA’s Twitch channel this Sunday, February 27 at 7p ET for another live game commentary by Michael Redmond 9P, hosted by E-Journal Managing Editor Chris Garlock. Redmond will be reviewing Shusaku’s 17th Castle game, played in 1861.
Shusaku is known for his undefeated streak of 19 games during the annual castle games, thirty-game match with Ota Yuzo, lead innovator of the eponymous Shusaku opening for Black, and post-death ascension to one of the Go Sages. Hayashi Yubi was the heir of the Hayashi school, slightly younger than Shusaku, and they both died early deaths in 1862.
“With Shusaku playing White (no komi), this was one of the more challenging Castle games in his perfect 19 win record,” says Redmond. “Yubi attacked strongly from the start to expand the first move advantage and establish a promising position. In the decisive fight of the game, Shusaku had two endangered groups and a moyo vulnerable to invasion. It just took a little magic, and then Shusaku was closing up the shop.”
For more Michael Redmond content, check out his YouTube channel.
Includes biographical material from Sensei’s Library.
AlphaGo vs. AlphaGo with Michael Redmond 9p: Game 50 (Part 2)
Friday July 9, 2021
“Wow, it’s been a while! Welcome back,” Nyarlah commented on the latest Michael Redmond AlphaGo game commentary; Part 1 was published last week. “It’s been too long AGA!” agreed Clay Tin. Some commenters noted the unusually long pre-game chat as Redmond and host Chris Garlock caught up on news from the previous 8 months; note that the game commentary starts at 22:56.
Part 2 of the AlphaGo-AlphaGo Game 50 commentary will be published at 6p ET tonight. The game series was published by Deepmind after AlphaGo’s victory over world champion Ke Jie 9p in May 2017. The video was produced by Eva-Dee Beech, Chris Garlock and Stephen Hu.