NOTE: Myungwan Kim 9P is doing live daily game commentaries at 10:30a and 5:30p EST (note updated times!) on the TygemGo Korea1 Server; some games are also being broadcast on KGS. For latest standings and game records, click here and scroll down to Results.
Here are the full results of Tuesday’s games from the AGA-TYGEMGO Pro Finals. The name in ALL CAPS is the winner (color played, next match).
Tuesday morning (7/31):
3A (Game 1): ANDY LIU (W), Eric Lui (B)
3B (Game 1): Hugh Zhang (W), GANSHENG SHI (B)
3C: Calvin Sun (B, Exhibition), JING YANG (W, 4B)
3D: Ben Lockhart (B, Exhibition), YUAN ZHOU (W, 4B)
3E: CURTIS TANG (W, 3E), Sooil Kim (B, Exhibition)
3F: Andrew Lu (W, Exhibition), JIANING GAN (B, 4C)
Tuesday evening:
Promotional League:
3A (Game2): ANDY LIU (B), Eric Lui (W) [Andy gets Wednesday off]
3B (Game 2): HUGH ZHANG (B), Gansheng Shi (W) [Game 3: only morning game tomorrow!]
4B: JING YANG (W, 5A), Yuan Zhou (B, Exhibition)
4C: Curtis Tang (B, Exhibition), JIANING GAN (W, 5B)
Exhibition League (round 4):
Game 1: Calvin Sun (B), BILL LIN (W)
Game 2: Sooil Kim (W), ANDREW LU (B)
Game 3: EDWARD KIM (W), Ned Phipps (B)
Game 4: MATTHEW BURRALL (W), Justin Teng (B)
photo by Nik Gonzales, Second Camera, The Surrounding Game