Look out for more fighting from attendees of the recent Jennie Shen workshop. The Penn Go Society organized a 3-day workshop with the Santa Barbara, CA-based 2-dan professional on December 12-14 at the University of PA. “She was a wonderful teacher full of wisdom and lighthearted humor,” organizer Matt Bengtson tells the E-Journal, “with special excellence in the area of the middle game, where she encouraged everyone to fight more.” The workshop was attended by about 20 participants ranging from 20k to 5d, with a focus on game review over the course of the workshop. “We are very grateful to the Ing Foundation Professional Teaching Program for their generous grant, which has made the event possible and affordable for all,” Bengtson added. Click here for event photos. photo courtesy of the Penn Go Society
American Go E-Journal » 2008 » December
Jennie Shen Teaches Fighting
Monday December 22, 2008
Go Designs
Monday December 22, 2008
Correction: Austria, Not Australia
Monday December 22, 2008
“Pardon me, but ‘Swiss-Australian border’?” (Go Makes Linux Mag 12/16 EJ) writes Dave Tukey. “I didn’t know global warming was moving the continents around to this extent. Or have the Swiss invaded the Outback?”
Neither, as far as we know; make that the Swiss-Austrian border. Our apologies for the error and thanks to everyone who wrote in to point it out. Photographer David Cantrell also sent in this update: “In the absence of any go-playing Austrians or Swiss in our group, Switzerland was represented by Edwin Brady (2k) and Austria by me (13k),” said Cantrell. “It was a nine stone game, and Switzerland won convincingly. Which I thought was very un-neutral of them. All of the recent Linuxbierwanderungs have included go-playing, and over the years I’ve introduced a good dozen people from all over the world to the game, at least some of whom now play regularly. Geeky social events like this are a great way of introducing new people to the game.”
Go Spotting: Go Wargames
Monday December 22, 2008
In the 2008 film Wargames 2: The Dead Code, — the sequel to the 1983 science fiction film WarGames — “when Joshua is playing games with Ripley, and the games are rapidly flashing on the screen, games of go can be seen,” reports Doug Buchanan. Spotted go somewhere interesting? Email us at journal@usgo.org!
European Go News: Burzo Wins Romanian Ambassador Cup; League Updates From Holland & Germany; German Tournament Updates
Monday December 22, 2008
BURZO WINS ROMANIAN AMBASSADOR CUP: Cornel Burzo 6D won the Romanian Ambassador of Japan Go Cup held December 13-14 in Bucharest. Lucian Corlan 5D took 2nd place and Daniel Cioata 5D was 3rd in the second edition of the event in which 150 Romanian Go players from 6 to 60 years old played. The event was also the occasion for the launch of Pro-G0, the new Romanian electronic go publication by Dorin Chis.
– report by Marilena Bara, Romanian correspondent for the E-Journal; photo: Burzo (r) with Ambassador of Japan in Bucharest Yoshinobu Higashi; photo by Liviu
LEAGUE UPDATES FROM HOLLAND & GERMANY: Utrecht’s Team 1 won the top Fall league in Holland and Utrecht’s Michiel Tel 1k won the prize for best progress in the top league with 44 points. Leyden had tied in matches and games, but lost the Leyden-Utrecht match. The top teams from Eindhoven won both the 1st and 2nd leagues; Eindhoven 1 won all five matches, finishing ahead of Utrecht 2 (4-11) and 3 (2-7). Eindhoven 2 won the second league 4-11, where Ivo Creusen gained 72 points, making him overall Best Progress winner. Finally, Almere 2 won 3rd league 5-13, with Huib Olij winning Best Progress. A total of 72 players participated. After three rounds in Germany’s Autumn Leagues – in which 72 teams are playing — only three teams in the top league are still undefeated: Karlsruhe didn’t drop a single game, Dragons from Frankfurt am Main won all matches but lost two games and HH-Hebsacker, the Go publishing house from Hamburg is third. The differences between go leagues in Holland and Germany are interesting and may be instructive for go organizers elsewhere. The Dutch leagues have small teams and meet in person, while the German league teams are larger and meet almost exclusively online.
– Peter Dijkema, European correspondent
GERMAN TOURNAMENT UPDATES: Benjamin Teuber 6D (l) won the Nikolaus tournament in Brauschweig, Germany on December 6-7, with 38 players participating. Lin Hai 4D took 2nd and Stefan Katschick 5D won third place. Stephan Thober 1D of Greifswald won the Mecklenburg-Vorpommeren state championship on November 21-22. Volkmar Liebscher 3D was 2nd and Martin Schidt 1D was 3rd. Franz-Josef Dickhut 6D won the Japanese Consul-General’s Cup, also held November 21-22. At stake was a ticket to Japan, and Dickhut told the EJ that “My wife is from Korea, so we go there almost every year. But I’ve only been to Japan a few times, representing Germany in the WAGC.” Christoph Gerlach 6d won the ‘Blitzmeister’ title December 13-14 when the final four contestants met in a marathon in which they played each other six times.
– Peter Dijkema
Go Spotting: Go Wargames
Monday December 22, 2008
In the 2008 film Wargames 2: The Dead Code, — the sequel to the 1983 science fiction film WarGames — “when Joshua is playing games with Ripley, and the games are rapidly flashing on the screen, games of go can be seen,” reports Doug Buchanan. Spotted go somewhere interesting? Email us at journal@usgo.org!
Correction: Austria, Not Australia
Monday December 22, 2008
“Pardon me, but ‘Swiss-Australian border’?” (Go Makes Linux Mag 12/16 EJ) writes Dave Tukey. “I didn’t know global warming was moving the continents around to this extent. Or have the Swiss invaded the Outback?” Neither, as far as we know; make that the Swiss-Austrian border. Our apologies for the error and thanks to everyone who wrote in to point it out. Photographer David Cantrell also sent in this update: “In the absence of any go-playing Austrians or Swiss in our group, Switzerland was represented by Edwin Brady (2k) and Austria by me (13k),” said Cantrell. “It was a nine stone game, and Switzerland won convincingly. Which I thought was very un-neutral of them. All of the recent Linuxbierwanderungs have included go-playing, and over the years I’ve introduced a good dozen people from all over the world to the game, at least some of whom now play regularly. Geeky social events like this are a great way of introducing new people to the game.”
Go Designs
Monday December 22, 2008
Italian graphic designer Stefano Giurin has designed some new eye-catching go-themed t-shirts, sweatshirts and bags. A self-described “go addict,” Giurin, a 12-kyu, started playing a year ago. “I’m trying to make go more cool for everyone, not only for players,” Giurin tells the E-Journal.
Jennie Shen Teaches Fighting
Monday December 22, 2008
Look out for more fighting from attendees of the recent Jennie Shen workshop. The Penn Go Society organized a 3-day workshop with the Santa Barbara, CA-based 2-dan professional on December 12-14 at the University of PA. “She was a wonderful teacher full of wisdom and lighthearted humor,” organizer Matt Bengtson tells the E-Journal, “with special excellence in the area of the middle game, where she encouraged everyone to fight more.” The workshop was attended by about 20 participants ranging from 20k to 5d, with a focus on game review over the course of the workshop. “We are very grateful to the Ing Foundation Professional Teaching Program for their generous grant, which has made the event possible and affordable for all,” Bengtson added. Click here for event photos. photo courtesy of the Penn Go Society
Go Classifieds Work!
Monday December 22, 2008
“Thanks, E-Journal!” writes Bob Barber. “I listed my collection of Go World magazines here, and was able to sell them to one of your many readers, this one in Argentina.” Buy, sell, or trade go stuff, plus find go players through the EJ’s free classifieds: email us today at journal@usgo.org