March 11: Urbandale, IA
Central Iowa Go Tournament
Jacob Upland 319-412-4621
March 18: San Francisco, CA
Spring Tournament and Dojo Anniversary
Matthew Barcus 415-316-2953
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Monday March 6, 2023
March 11: Urbandale, IA
Central Iowa Go Tournament
Jacob Upland 319-412-4621
March 18: San Francisco, CA
Spring Tournament and Dojo Anniversary
Matthew Barcus 415-316-2953
Get the latest go events information.
Monday February 20, 2023
February 25: San Francisco, CA
Guy Moreau Memorial Tournament
Matthew Barcus 415-316-2953
February 26: Cleveland, OH
Cleveland Go Club Ratings Tournament
Soren Jaffe 440-231-7057
Steve Zilber 216-632-1929
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Monday February 13, 2023
February 18: Plano, TX
2023 South Central Go Tournament
Bob Gilman
February 25: San Francisco, CA
Guy Moreau Memorial Tournament
Matthew Barcus 415-316-2953
February 26: Cleveland, OH
Cleveland Go Club Ratings Tournament
Soren Jaffe 440-231-7057
Steve Zilber 216-632-1929
Get the latest go events information.
Monday February 6, 2023
February 18: Plano, TX
2023 South Central Go Tournament
Bob Gilman
Get the latest go events information.
Thursday October 20, 2022
The 2022 Chicago Rapid Championship being held in Evanston, Illinois on Nov 12 is setting records for early registrations. “We have 43 players registered and we’re still three and a half weeks out!” said organizer Albert Yen 8d. “We’re on track to beat our last record of 84 players. And strong players take note; this is your chance to play against Alex Qi, our newest American pro!”
“This tournament will have something for everyone,” said club president Mark Rubenstein. “An open section for 5 dan and above, a self-pair section for 4 dan and below, and a free youth section with lessons by Simon Guo for beginners. Not to mention instant reviews by Shawn Ray (Clossius) and Tim Song 1p, winner of the 2018 US Open Masters, live streaming on Twitch, a variety of prizes, and lunch and dinner at the venue.”
Register by 11/1 for early-bird pricing and raffle to win a free lesson with Alex Qi 1p. For complete information on the tournament format and registration details, visit
Tuesday April 26, 2022
The Evanston Go Club’s largest tournament yet, the 2022 Chicago Open, is set for Saturday, May 14. “With three divisions, cash prizes, medals, live streaming, donuts and a day filled with enjoyable go-goodness, there will be something here for everyone to appreciate,” say organizers.
The tournament, which will be held at the Immanuel Lutheran Church in Evanston, “will be a big upgrade from our previous biennial tournaments,” writes Albert Yen 8-Dan. “Our event will include the familiar Chicago-style handicap divisions and a free beginner section, as well as a new Open championship for high-Dan players.”
The champion of the inaugural Open section will go home with a cash prize and the 2022 Chicago Open Trophy. Those who come out on top in the classic self-paired Main divisions will receive medals and their pick of the prizes provided by the Evanston Go Club and Yellow Mountain Imports. The top boards will be broadcast on the AGA Twitch channel.
For more information about the tournament format and registration details, visit “We would love to see players from all over come out to visit Chicago to enjoy this event with us,” add organizers. “Be sure to sign up by April 30th for early-bird pricing and commemorative name tags!”
Wednesday June 7, 2017
This year’s Santa Monica Coffee Cup will be held Saturday, June 17, at the legendary UnUrban Coffeehouse. First prize in each division is the eponymous Santa Monica Coffee Cup, lovingly hand painted by Southern California craftspeople, in this year’s theme color of Nattier blue. Coffee beans, certificates and hand-painted tiles will also be awarded at the close of the three-round AGA rated event.
More details and pre-registration here. The tournament’s design committee, moved by recent results in AI research, is debating whether to replace next year’s designated color, sangue de boeuf, with stargoon, catbabel, or clardic fug. More information at