American Go E-Journal » 2014 » February

New Jersey Open Expecting Large Field This Weekend

Friday February 28, 2014

This weekend’s New Jersey Open (NJO) on March 1-2 is expected to draw a large field with players at all levels. Top boards will be broadcast live on KGS by the E-Journal. The tournament will be in the same site as last year (Frist Campus Center); pregistration is not required but registration opens at 9a and ends at 10a and you must be there by 10a to be paired in the first round. Cell phones don’t work at the site, but if you’re lost or late, call 609-851-6351 during the last half hour of registration. Trains from NY/Phila arrive at 9:42.  You can reach Frist walking or by cab in 10 minutes.

Categories: U.S./North America

U.S. Go Congress Coming to the Big Apple

Friday February 28, 2014

“The U.S. Go Congress has never before been in a place so close to so much!” says Congress organizer Matthew Hershberger. As previously reported (’14 US Go Congress To Be Held In Midtown Manhattan, Sources Say 12/4/2013 EJ), the Congress will be held August 9-17 in midtown Manhattan, “just a stone’s throw from landmarks like the Empire State Building and Madison Square Garden,” Hershberger tells the E-Journal. “You will be playing on the 18th floor of the world famous Hotel Pennsylvania just across the street from Penn Station. Times Square, Bryant Park, Grand Central Station, and Korea Town are all just minutes away on foot, and the subways will easily get you anywhere in the city.” The hotel, which has been hosting visitors since 1919 boasts that “more guests have stayed with us than in any other hotel in the world.”

The Congress website is now live and though registration is not yet open, “you can check out the prices and start planning your trip now.”

The largest go activity in the United States, the annual U.S. Go Congress features 8 days of go, including tournaments, professional lectures and game analysis, continuous self paired games, and all kinds of go-related activities from morning to midnight.

And while New York is an expensive city, “we’ve worked hard to keep the Congress affordable,” says Hershberger. That means there are a few differences from previous years. This year there is no meal plan provided; instead, players will be free to explore the many local restaurants of all kinds and at all prices. Locals say you can eat reasonably easily for less than $30/day, or, if you’re so inclined, splurge at some of the best restaurants in the world.

Since the Congress is in a hotel this year, there are no dorm rooms available. “We’ve negotiated extra low prices for guests staying in the hotel,” says Hershberger. A typical room with two beds will run around $1,100 per person (including Congress registration), and there are lower-cost options for the more budget-conscious. You are allowed to have extra people in a room, so groups who are willing to share a room with more people than beds can cut costs significantly.

“Come for the go, come for the camaraderie of old friends, come for thrill of the big city!” urges Hershberger. “Whatever your reasons, we are looking forward to seeing you in New York this August!”




Go Quiz: Gu Li In Need of a Refresher?

Friday February 28, 2014

While our teacher question was pending, Gu Li dropped the second game of the jubango.  All but the most diehard Lee fans should start rooting for Gu Li, since we want as many of the ten games as possible played.  Eight of 20 of you correctly named Yang Yi 6P as Gu Li’s key teacher.  He is Director of Chongqing Qiyuan and has trained many talented go players since 1979, receiving numerous national and regional awards for his contributions to go.  In 1995, he recommended Gu Li’s induction into the Chinese National Youth Team. Two years later, Yang reserved a spot for Gu Li (age 14 at the time) on the Chongqing Go Team despite objections from many people.  He first came to the North Carolina Go Congress in 2006, following up with visits to Northern Virginia (2009) and Tacoma (2013).  Reader Ke Lu points out that Yang Yi’s rank may not be earned in official pro tournaments, but there is little question that he is honored as 6P in China.  Another eight of you chose  another Yang, our own Yang Yilun 7P, who has been teaching here in the US and attending Congresses since Seattle 1986.  In addition to your quizmaster, known as his “MDS” (“most disapointing student”), he has taught many great players, perhaps most notably Chang Hao 9P.  Four of you recalled that former WAGC champ and 9-dan professional Zhang Wendong attended the first Tacoma Congress.  We are not aware of any of his famous students, but he certainly schooled Congress Director Steve Stringfellow in badminton.  No one chose our final teacher (perhaps because of a lack of Congress attendance), Song Xuelin 9P, Associate Director of Chengdu Qiyuan (Sichuan, China). He placed among the top six several times in Chinese national go tournaments, and his tournament successes earned him the nickname “King of the Southwest”.   Song is well-known for his ability to spot top go talents. In 1992, he trained 2007 LG Cup Champion Chou Chun-Hsun (Zhou Junxun). In 2008, Song recruited 2012 BC Card Cup Runner-Up Dang Yifei (age 14 at the time) into the Sichuan Go Team.  Congrats to this week’s winner Ke Lu of Newton, MA, this week’s winner, selected at random from those answering correctly.

THIS WEEK’S QUIZ: 2-0 jubango leader Lee Sedol is pictured at left in this old photo; who is that pro player with him? Click here to submit your response and please give us your full name; we hope to start honoring our best quizzers next week and we like to keep good records.
– Keith Arnold, HKA, MDS

Categories: Go Quiz

World Youth Goe Qualifier March 15 & 16

Wednesday February 26, 2014

The Ing Foundation has announced US qualifiers for their World Youth Goe Championships (WYGC), reports Mingjiu Jiang 7P.  The qualifiers will be held online, March 15 and 16.  The two highest placing youth in each age bracket will then be invited to compete live in Menlo Park CA, March 29 and 30.  The winners will receive an all expense paid trip to the WYGC in Kuala Lumpur, Malayasia.  A third seat has been added as well, which is intended to help promote Goe in the US, and will be open to players 5k or stronger, and under the age of 13.  Application information and registration is attached to this story.  Click on the links here: RequirementsApplication, to load a new webpage, and then click on the titles to download each document to your computer. All inquiries should be addressed to -Paul Barchilon, E-J Youth Editor. Photo: The Petronas Towers in Kuala Lumpur, which were the tallest buildings in the world until recently.


Slots Open for AGA Online Simuls on 2/27 & 3/1

Wednesday February 26, 2014

Slots in upcoming AGA online simuls on February 27 and March 1 are available to AGA members current through 3/31/2014. Email with your AGA ID number and KGS username for access to the room. A schedule is linked in the AGA Tournament Room. “These simuls are a great opportunity test yourself while learning strategy and tactics from a stronger player,” says Gilman. The game is generally followed by a quick review. “Don’t worry about being ‘too weak,’” Gilman adds. The next simul is Thursday, February 27 at 7 pm Pacific time (10p EST), with Dong Ma, AGA 6d, ma2dong on KGS; there’s also one on Saturday, March 1 at 10 pm Pacific time (1a EST) with Ju Zhao, AGA 6d, rainier on KGS.

Categories: U.S./North America

Japanese Pros Visit UK This Week

Wednesday February 26, 2014

Dates have now been fixed for visits to the UK by the Nihon Ki-in’s Minematsu Masaki 6p (right) and Kobayashi Chizu 5p (at left; see Japanese Pros to Attend EYGC, EJ 1/15). They will attend the combined British Go Congress and European Youth Go Championship in Bognor Regis February 28 – March 3, and the previous evening, February 27 (Thursday), they will both be guests at Oxford City Go Club. After the Congress, Kobayashi alone will visit North London Go Club on March 4 then travel up to Scotland to be the guest of Edinburgh Go Club on March 6. The visits are sponsored by the Great Britain Sasakawa Foundation in cooperation with the British Go Association. Click particular destinations for details, including contact and player profiles.
– Tony Collman, British Correspondent for the E-Journal.

Categories: Europe,Go News

This Weekend’s New Jersey Open to be NAMT Qualifier

Tuesday February 25, 2014

This weekend’s New Jersey Open (NJO) will be the first Eastern region North American Master’s Tournament (NAMT) qualifier, reports AGA Tournament Coordinator Karoline Burrall. “All players in the top section will be awarded qualifier points based on tournament performance,” Burrall adds.  The March 1-2 event in Princeton, NJ is expected to draw one of the biggest fields on the East Coast and also honors Bob Ryder, formerly of Bell Labs and a longtime AGA organizer who held the NJO at Rutgers for many years, with a memorial Beginner’s Prize. Registration Sat. 3/1, 9AM-10AM at Frist Campus Center, Princeton University. Click here for tournament details. Top boards will be broadcast live on KGS by the E-Journal.
Still from the 2001 film “A Beautiful Mind”, in which Russell Crowe (left) portrays mathematical genius John Nash Jr. being challenged to a game of go by one of his fellow graduate students at Princeton.  

Categories: U.S./North America

Canwa Vancouver 1, Raleigh & Canwa Vancouver 2 Lead in Pandanet-AGA City League

Tuesday February 25, 2014

Canwa Vancouver 1 leads the Pandanet-AGA City A League after the second round games were played last weekend. Boston


 and Greater Washington are tied for second in the A League, with LA in 4th and Seattle 1 in 5th. Raleigh leads in the B League, while CanwaVan2 leads the C League. “Our selected game for this round is from the B League,” reports TD Steve Colburn. “Changlong Wu 7d (Tallis) of NC Raleigh defeated Aaron Ye 5d (G0dnPoppy) of San Francisco played a very interesting game. They both went all out in their match. The game will keep you on your seat till the end.” Click here for complete standings, teams and more. 

Round 2 Results:
A League: Greater Washington def Los Angeles (2-1), Canwa Vancouver 1 def Boston (3-0), Seattle 1 def Toronto (3-0)
B League: Washington DC 2 def Washington DC 1 (2-1), NC Raleigh def San Francisco (2-1)
Currently playing: Chicago vs New York City (2-0)
C League: West Tennessee/Memphis def Central New York/Syracuse (2–1), Katy TX 1 def Brentwood/Nashville (2-1), Katy TX 2 def Lincoln (3-0), Canwa Vancouver def Seattle 2 (3-0)


GoGoD Goes Online Only

Tuesday February 25, 2014

Though the “D” now stands for “Download,” GoGoD is continuing, following the death of T Mark Hall last December (In Memoriam: T Mark Hall, 1947-2013, EJ 12/12/2013), who originated the massive go game collection. Originally an acronym for Games of Go on Disc, GoGoD is no longer available on disk but will continue to be available online as Games of Go on Download. Surviving GoGoD partner John Fairbairn expects the collection of go games – currently at 79,000 — to reach at least 100,000. The only item being offered now is the database of sgf games. The Encyclopaedia (including the Names Dictionary) has been removed from the download package and the price has been significantly reduced. The GoGoD database is and will continue to be incorporated in various SmartGo products, along with the Names Dictionary.
– Tony Collman, British correspondent for the E-Journal, based on a report by the British Go Association


Lee Sedol Races Ahead 2-0 in Jubango Against Gu Li

Sunday February 23, 2014

In what can only be described as a very disappointing game for Gu Li 9P, Lee Sedol 9P (left) snatched victory from the jaws of defeat in the late endgame to win the second game of the MLily Gu vs Lee Jubango by 1.5 points. Lee now has a 2-0 lead in the best-of-10 series, increasing the pressure on Gu in Game 3, which will be played in Chengdu on March 30. Game 2 was played on the outskirts of Shanghai on February 23.

Gu Li, playing black, started the game with nice opening and he took the lead up to black 45, but Lee reversed the game up to 78. The lead exchanged hands several times in the middle game but Gu regained the lead in the endgame and was still leading up to 189. Several subsequent mistakes by Gu, however, enabled Lee to turn a probable half-point loss into a 1.5 point win.
– based on the report by David Ormerod and An Younggil 8P on GoGameGuru. Check their Lee Sedol – Gu Li jubango page for more news and commentary.

Categories: World