“Once again, the AGA is looking for eight pairs to play in a knockout tournament, for the right to play at the International Amateur Pair Go Championships in Tokyo, October 14-19,” Pair Go Coordinator Allan Abramson announced today. The knockout would start with two Sunday online rounds, July 18th and 25th. The final match would take place at the Go Congress in Colorado Springs. Pairs must meet the AGA’s requirements (see below), and the finalists must attend this year’s U.S. Go Congress. Interested pairs should register with tournaments@usgo.org, giving names, AGA member ID’s, telephone numbers, and IGS nicknames, by 11 July. Requirements for International Competitors include: US citizenship ONLY (not or permanent residency, or “Green Card” status, as previously announced); US physical residency of at least six of the last 12 months; Full or youth membership for all candidates, for the entire year prior to the qualifier event or series of events in the US that serve as the selection procedure for the representative; Compliance with all foreign host or sponsor-specific requirements; At least ten rated games, excluding losses by forfeit, over the past 12 months. photo: Pair Go at the 2009 US Go Congress; photo by John Pinkerton
American Go E-Journal » 2010 » June
Monday June 28, 2010
Monday June 28, 2010
Team Posco Chemtech — Kang Changbae 2P, Park Yeonghun 9P and Baek Hongsuk 7P — defeated Team Tbroad in KB League play on June 26. They won three out of their five games, putting them dead even with Team Marble in second place. Kang Changbae’s win over veteran pro Mok Jinseok was somewhat of a surprise: Changbae was an amateur player from 2005 to 2008 and the South Korean representative in the 2007 Korea Prime Minister Cup World Baduk Championship, winning the tournament undefeated.
– JustPlayGo for the game record between Park Yeonghun and An Choyeong
Monday June 28, 2010
Will Hamilton, a 7th grader at Crane School in, Montecito, CA, scored big with go this year. Students were assigned a Quests Explorations Discoveries (QED) project, which is an “opportunity to explore an interest, embrace a challenge, make a ‘quest’ into a new area of interest, or work toward a personal goal,” according to the school’s website. Will contacted Ed Lee of the Santa Barbara Go club, who agreed to act as his mentor, and the two met weekly for five months. “Early on, like many others who first discovered Hikaru no Go, Will was very enthusiastic,” reports Lee, “Then, little by little, like many other teenagers before him, he found out for himself that go is deep and the journey is very long and that it takes tremendous hard work to improve.” Hamilton persevered though, and continued his studies. “I explained to Will that studying go in many ways is like studying a musical instrument or a foreign language: just as a 3-hour intense Spanish lesson once every Sunday is not as good as a daily 30-minute class from Monday to Saturday, a little bit of go every day is better than cramming all on Saturday,” Lee said. Crane School held a ceremony for all the QED students to share their projects on June 1, and Hamilton and Lee scored an extra bonus by bringing Jennie Shen 2P along. Shen wrote about the project on her blog, it is in Chinese, but can be translated roughly by going here.
– Paul Barchilon, E-J Youth Editor; Photo by Ed Lee (l-r): Jennie Shen, Will’s parents, Will Hamilton, Ed Lee
Monday June 28, 2010
Jian Liu 1d (r) topped the NOVA Congress Tune-up Team Competition in Arlington, VA on June 26. The Great Falls Go Club C Team — Ching-Sung Chin 3k, Jerry Chen 4k and Ethan Hsiao 33k — won the team competition, a new feature of the quarterly 4-round handicap tournament in which 3-6 players can form a team and the team with the most wins per player wins $100 cash prize. The team competition — sponsored by NGOL.US — inspired players to check team scores frequently and come up creative team names like Muse, Richmond Rogues and Bamfs. The NOVA and GFGC-A Team were close behind with seven wins each. Click here for more photos. Winners were awarded a NOVA trophy and/or five hours of Guo Juan 5P’s audio go lessons. After serving as a Tournament Director for nearly 20 years, Allan Abramson retired as an TD earlier this year, but coached Garrett Smith, NOVA Go Club president and Edward Zhang to run this NOVA tourney. New Asia Market catered lunch from Rockville, MD, and players liked the combo of lunch box and bubble tea.
Winners Report: 1-6D, 1st: Jian Liu 1d, 2nd: Daniel Chou 6d and Ray Hunley 1d; 2-3K, 1st: Hua Lin, 2nd: Ching-Sung Chin 3k; 4K, 1st: Kevin Chin, 2nd: Jerry Chen; 7-12K, 1st: Gurujeet Khalsa 9k, 2nd: Joey Phoon 7k and Garrett Smith 12k; 15-20K, 1st: Marcus Phoon 17k, 2nd: Tristan Tran 17k; 21K+, 1st: Ethan Hsiao 33k.
– Report/photo by Tournament Director Zhiyuan ‘Edward’ Zhang
Monday June 28, 2010
After three weeks of intense competition, the American Go Honor Society (AGHS) has named seventeen members to the US Junior National Team, who will compete in the 2010 Brunei Friendship Games later this week. Six students had earned berths directly for superior performance in the School Team Tournament, while the remainder were selected by a qualifying tournament. “From last year’s gold medal winning squad, we’re glad to welcome back two members who earned berths in the qualifying event,” reports organizer Ashely Wilson; “we look forward to repeating our performance and taking top honors again. Games will be played on KGS, so we hope you all will come out in support of the Red, White, and Blue against Southeast Asia.” For more information, go to the AGHS website.
Monday June 28, 2010
The American Go E-Journal’s Congress Team has a few openings left for game recorders, photographers and reporters as we again this year provide wall-to-wall coverage of this year’s 26th annual U.S. Go Congress, live from Colorado Springs, Colorado. We’ll broadcast top-board games in both the U.S. Open and North American Ing Cup every day on KGS, as well as publish reports, photos and game records daily on the website and in the E-Journal. If you’re interested, please email journal@usgo.org
Saturday June 26, 2010
There’s lots to do in and around Colorado Springs besides play go at the upcoming U.S. Go Congress, and Congress organizers are putting together the following sightseeing trips during the traditional Wednesday Day Off: tours of the Garden of the Gods, U.S. Air Force Academy, Manitou Cliff Dwellings (r), Cave of the Winds, Castle Rock Factory Outlets, Six Flags Elitch Gardens Theme Park, Denver Museum of Nature & Science, Denver Zoo. Look for your chance to sign up at the Congress.
Saturday June 26, 2010
“Recognizing our volunteers is so important,” says American Go Association President Allan Abramson. “The AGA is a volunteer organization, and we want to publicly recognize those who contribute so much to everyone’s playing enjoyment.” Nominees thus far include Jonathan Bresler for his work on ratings and James Story and David Drexler, for outreach/promotion. The deadline for nominating volunteers for special recognition is June 30. Please send their name(s) and a nomination statement to aga@usgo.org
Saturday June 26, 2010
In the third round of the 15th GS Caltex Cup, Park Yeonghun 9P defeated Kim Junghyun 2P by resignation Wednesday, June 23, eliminating Junghyun from tournament play. Only a few weeks earlier, on June 11th, Kim Junghyun had eliminated Lee Changho by defeating him in the second round. Park Yeonghun now advances to the Caltex Cup Semifinals to face either Heo Yeongho 7P or Lee Younggu 8P.
– JustPlayGo
Saturday June 26, 2010
Cho U 9P defeated Sakai Hideyuki 7P by resignation in the first round of the 35th Gosei on Thursday, June 24. Cho U is the defending titleholder, and has won the Gosei four consecutive years, 2006-2009. The Gosei is Sakai Hideyuki’s first major title match. The second round will be played on July 9th.
– JustPlayGo