Registration has opened for the 2022 Chicago Rapid Championship. The tournament will be held on Saturday, November 12 in Evanston, Illinois. Registration and tournament details can be found here. Register by 11/1 for early-bird pricing and free entry into a raffle for a lesson with Alex Qi 1p.
The Championship will feature the longstanding arena-style handicap division for players from beginner to mid-dan, as well as a rapid-format Open division for high-dan players. There will be live streaming and a variety of prizes, including cash, medals, and lessons from North American pros and prominent go teachers.
“Our tournaments are so big now we don’t even fit in one room,” remarked co-organizer Mark Rubenstein, reflecting on the previous blockbuster turnout at the May Chicago Open, which drew 84 people.
“The Chicago Rapid Championship will be even better,” said fellow co-organizer Albert Yen 8d. “This time, we want to maximize interactions between professional players and the community. We are honored to have Tim Song 1p, winner of the 2018 US Open Masters, come as a special guest to provide reviews to players of all levels. Bracket winners in the main division will also have a chance to play a teaching game with Alex Qi 1p, the youngest North American pro. Even our Twitch stream commentary will be led by Eric Lui, a 2-dan professional and veteran player in the North American Go scene.”
“Pro game review, teaching games with pros, and stream commentary by pros,” Rubenstein reflected, “In my 30 years as a go organizer, I’ve never seen so much pro involvement in the Midwest!”
American Go E-Journal
Registration opens for 2022 Chicago Rapid Championship
Tuesday September 27, 2022