American Go E-Journal

NYIG announces Go Dojo in Midtown Manhattan, Path to Pro training

Sunday April 18, 2021

NYIG’s Manhattan location

“I still remember how desperate Go players were when we heard the news that the New York Go Center would permanently shut down. It finally disappeared no matter how hard we tried,” says Stephanie Yin, the president of the New York Institute of Go. “The NY Go Center was not only a place for Go players to play Go, but also like a big family. It was a place for people to laugh, share stories, forget about pressure and unhappiness, and just enjoy some Go time.” The NYIG team is happy to announce that a location for that big family is back! The NYIG headquarters has been permanently set in Mid-town Manhattan. It is a 3600 square feet commercial building on W 49th street and only a 10-minute walk to Central Park. The place now is under renovation, with plans for a grand opening in September. 

The NYIG headquarters (official name TBA) will become the first physical Go Dojo in America. Plans for study abroad programs, intensive training, monthly tournaments, the New York State Championship, classes, membership, and Pair Go Night are in the making. Stay tuned for updates at The NYIG team is open to potential collaborations.

Shortly after the AGA pro qualification tournament in Washington, DC this summer, the NYIG will host the North American Youth Open and New York Youth Open. From June 28 to July 16 at 1:30-4:30 pm EDT, Ryan Li 1p will hold a three-week Path to Pro intensive training class. Registration now is open to all ages! For more information, please visit

-report and photo by Stephanie Yin 1P