American Go E-Journal

Celebrating dsaun’s memory, wisdom and kindness

Monday March 29, 2021

With the approach of the one-year anniversary of the passing of David Saunders, also known as dsaun, some of his friends on KGS are organizing a celebration in his honor.

The event will take place at 20:00 GMT on Tuesday, April 30th, and 03:00 GMT on Wednesday the 31st (use this time zone converter to determine your local time). In the Tsumego room there will be three boards with 20 tsumego (life and death) problems, and the corresponding solutions will be available in the Dsaun’s Friends room as you progress.

“There are no gifts, money, or prizes up for grabs,” reports Samuel Adams. “The lucky ones will be able to find dsaun’s smile under a stone.”

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