American Go E-Journal

e-Go Congress registration soars; AGA meetings announced

Thursday July 16, 2020

Just days after registration opened for the 2020 e-Go Congress, more than 300 have already signed up. In addition to Americans and Canadians, players from 31 other countries have registered. “I’m floored by how this event really seems to have struck a chord with people around the world,” said Congress Coordinator Lisa Scott. “It’s wonderful to see how well this event has come together”

And for those interested in finding out more about the American Go Association and other ways to participate in the go community, a full schedule of informational, business, and training meetings have been scheduled for the following week (see schedule).

If you’re interested in volunteering to help with the e-Go Congress, want to help put on TD or Teacher Workshops – or have other ideas for online events you’d like to help the AGA put on – contact the Congress Coordinator at “The AGA would love to run more online events over the coming months, all we need is you to volunteer!” said Scott.