American Go E-Journal

Tonight: Redmond on Mutsuura Yuta 7P vs Iyama Yuta Kisei, Honinbo, Tengen (9P)

Sunday June 14, 2020

Tune in to the AGA’s Twitch channel at 8p tonight for Michael Redmond 9Ps live commentary on the “Golden Panda Cup” tournament game between Mutsuura Yuta 7P and Iyama Yuta Kisei, Honinbo, Tengen (9P). Hosted by Pandanet, the tournament setup is similar to Nongshim in that there are three teams of five players, and player 1 from team A plays team B, winner plays team C, etc. with the winning player continuing into the next round and losing teams supplying the next player. Mutsuura was a player in the Shibano (Meijin, Oza) team and Iyama was the captain of the Iyama team. This was game 5 of the tournament, and Mutsuura 7P already had 3 wins. He took out former Gosei Kyo Kagen in round 2, and continued to beat Xie Imin and Fujisawa Rina in 3rd and 4th rounds. The Iyama and Ichiriki teams had lost two players each while the Shibano team was untouched. “The Iyama team apparently figured they needed their top player to stop Mutsuura and maybe hoped Iyama could take it away from there,” says Redmond. After winning this game Mutuura was the MVP, called the Golden Panda in this tournament.