American Go E-Journal

Coronavirus impact hits home: the passing of David Saunders AKA dsaun

Wednesday April 15, 2020

Players across the AGA and KGS are mourning the loss of David Saunders, AKA dsaun, who died on Monday March 30th from COVID-19 and pneumonia. A page on Sensei’s Library has been created dedicated to memories of dsaun, particularly the large amount of poetry he wrote and shared with his friends on KGS.

An example: Go is fun // I do not lie // and so is eating apple pie // apple pie is truly great // but playing Go does not add weight.

LGSam remembers his friend in a way Saunders would have appreciated, with “a questionable limerick in honor of the master of questionable limericks.”

Once, there was a great man named dsaun.
A grand Go legacy had he drawn
that will be remembered,
and celebrated too,
into each and every new dawn