American Go E-Journal

Trevor Morris remembers his father Peter

Monday August 5, 2019

Peter Morris and his wife Sharon

My father, Peter Morris (AGA #3222), passed away last week. He was an active Go player for many years. He and his three sons (Doug – #2856, Brett – #7468, and Trevor – #2829) began playing Go in the late 1970’s, and started playing at the Greater Washington Go Club around 1984. Through the rest of the 80s – before the day of internet Go servers – we would often take the hour drive from Shepherdstown, WV to the Cedar Lane Unitarian Church in Washington, D.C. on Friday nights to play.

As a family, we would often play Go on vacation. Games were a bonding activity for us, with Go being the one we would always return to. Peter continued to play Go and be active in tournaments for more than 30 years, from the late 1970’s through the early 2010’s. He will be missed.

-by Trevor Morris
-photo provided by Trevor Morris
-read Peter Morris’ obituary here.

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