American Go E-Journal

The Traveling Board: One library at a time

Friday June 28, 2019

photo: Bill and David of the Boise (ID) Go Club, on the cover of the Meridian Library magazine, Meridian, Idaho, courtesy David Bogie.

by Zhiping You

A couple of months ago, I was in the library of my town (Lexington, MA), and found several people playing chess in the library lounge (they call it the living room). I talked with one of them and found out that the library had bought a chess set and put them in the library lounge, and encourage people to play chess there. So I went to one of the librarians and asked if they could also buy a Go set and encourage people to play Go in the library. I also told them that if they want (or need), I could give them a lecture on Go.

Here’s the email I got from them today:
Hello, Mr. You: Some months ago you approached me at the Reference Desk to ask that the library purchase a Go set for public use. I’m writing to let you know that we now have one and it is set up on a table in the Living Room area of the main floor, near the chess set. I’ve given your contact information to our new program director, Meena Jain, in case she would like to contact you about a Go program or classes.
Best regards,
Jean Williams, Reference Department, Cary Memorial Library
Lexington, MA 02420

I am delighted and wanted to share this with E-Journal readers. Imagine if every library in the U.S. bought a Go set; that would be a splendid way to popularize Go.

Categories: U.S./North America