American Go E-Journal

Globis Cup Qualifier results: Rounds 1 & 2

Saturday February 9, 2019

The first two rounds in the Globis Cup Qualifier  were held online on Saturday, February 9 (see below for results).

Round 3 will be held Sunday 2/10 at 11A EDT: Willis Huang (KGS: whuang) vs. Sophia Wang (sophia)

Round 1 result:
Game 1: Willis Huang (whuang), B vs. Sophia Wang (sophia), W (Willis wins by resignation)
Game 2: Nate Morse (PassPeer), B vs. Brandon Zhou (atlbrandon), W (Brandon wins by resignation)

Round 2 results:
Game 3: Willis Huang (KGS: whuang), W vs. Brandon Zhou (atlbrandon), B (Brandon wins by resignation)
Game 4: Sophia Wang (sophia), B vs. Nate Morse (PassPeer), W  (Sophia wins by resignation)

Jeff Shaevel, TD