American Go E-Journal

Your Move/Readers Write: Go or go?

Monday August 20, 2018

“Thank you for all your hard work at Congress,” writes Bob Barber. “Although I don’t play anymore (much), I like to keep up with my pals and the world of Go. Speaking of which, I noticed in a recent New Yorker (July 23, page 47), this: ‘…and gigantic sets of chess and Go.’ For what it’s worth, I (and the New Yorker) think Go should be capitalized.”
The style here at the E-Journal is not to capitalize. Our colleagues at BoardGameGeek summarize the reason  nicely: “We capitalize the names of published games like Twilight Struggle because they’re proper nouns. But according to Webster’s, we don’t usually capitalize the names of public-domain games like chess, poker, and backgammon.”