American Go E-Journal

The Traveling Board: “Pi” to app to local club: a blogger’s journey

Monday August 20, 2018

“This is a game that has serious appeal to me,” writes independent filmmaker, website designer “and sometimes teacher” Chris Knight in recent blog post, “Do Not Pass Go: An evening with the world’s oldest board game.” “I’m looking 2018.08.20 Chris Knight lesson2018.08.20 Chris Knight Leo-Mike gameforward to playing again, and trying to improve.”

Knight, who lives in North Carolina, first saw go in “Pi,” Darren Aronofsky’s 1998 directorial debut. His curiosity about the game portrayed in the film led him to an iPad app and then to his local go club in North Carolina, where a lesson with Brendan got him hooked. “Go seems to have a really good community around it, and quite a diverse player base,” Knight says. “And I can’t help but think that in time, though it may be decades from now, it’s going to become as popular among Americans as is already chess, checkers, and Cards Against Humanity!” In additional to a number of cultural references, the blog post includes a description of how to play, with helpful photos.