Dalhoon Ahn has a firm but not quite final grip on this year’s US Open Masters trophy, after winning both rounds on Friday and
improving his record to 7-1. With two players with 6-2 records nipping at his heels — Wei Ding, Zirui Song — and one final round to go, the outcome is still to be determined Saturday morning in Round 9. Check the latest results on the US Open Masters crosstab. See the chart at right for the division leaders in the US Open, which also has one more round to go Saturday morning; click here for the US Open crosstab. Watch top boards in the Masters live on KGS and Twitch (Friday night’s coverage attracted more than 12,000 viewers) starting at 9a EDT and check out this week’s videos on YouTube.
– report/photo by Chris Garlock; Wei Ding (left) playing Dalhoon Ahn in Round 7 Friday morning. Chart by Matthew Burrall
American Go E-Journal
US Open Masters comes down to final round
Friday July 27, 2018