American Go E-Journal

Crazy, crazy go

Wednesday July 25, 2018

“Crazy Go was insane as usual,” reports organizer Terry Benson, who says there were over 20 variants at Tuesday night’s event at2018.07.25_crazy-go-IMG_1391 2018.07.25_crazy-go-IMG_1394the US Go Congress, including Coupon Go, courtesy of Elwyn Berlekamp and relatively new entrants like magnetic go, 9-13-19 go, and diagonal go. “It was a moveable feast of go with a voracious herd of players grazing the many weird boards or laughing at Blind Go and the intersection of go and diplomacy in 4 color go,” Benson says. Rengo Kriegspeil, the granddaddy of Crazy Go games, “was hilarious as usual” and after Benson ran one session a young player, Seth Liang, asked if he could referee the game. Benson said Sure, so Seth did “and another kid followed him, having as much fun running the game as playing. Talk about passing the baton!” Zen go had only winners and blind go got some unwanted “help” from other kids. Treasure Go took some rule interpretations. As usual, “A good time was had by all.”