American Go E-Journal

Peter Gao tops Evanston Go Club’s Summer Solstice tournament

Tuesday June 26, 2018

The Evanston Go Club’s Summer Solstice tournament on Saturday drew 21 players ranging from 25 kyu to 4 dan. For some, this 2018.06.27 Evanston Go Club’s Summer Solstice tournamentwas their first tournament ever; others have been coming to the Evanston tournaments for up to 14 years. “We run our tournaments self-paired, so players can play as many games as they want.” said tournament director Mark Rubenstein. “Chase Grange 11k and Thomas Gehrt 6k each played 8 games; that’s a lot of games to play in one day!” Prizes were supplied by Yellow Mountain, and awarded to 6 players; first and second place in each of three bands: dan, single digit kyu, and double digit kyu.”Chase Grange won the double digit kyu band, but unfortunately he had to leave before the prizes were awarded; so Mike O’Day and Mary Skolnik took home the prizes in that band.” said Rubenstein. As is the custom, pizza at Giordano’s capped off the day.
#1 Dan: Peter Gao 4d: 4-0
#2 Dan: Daniel Dowell 3d: 3-2
#1 SDK: Satoru Inoue 1k: 3-1
#2 SDK: Laura Moon 2k: 4-2
#1 DDK: Chase Grange 11k: 6-2
#1 DDK: Mike O’Day 15k: 5-2
#2 DDK: Mary Skolnik 19k: 4-2