American Go E-Journal

Go events in Japan this summer

Thursday January 11, 2018

The dates have been set for the third annual Go Congress in Japan, as well as Osaka Go Camp 2018, reports Ryo Maeda 6p of 2018.01.10_japan-go-congress-17the Kansai-Kiin. Maeda has been a popular lecturer at the last eighteen U.S. Go Congresses.
The camp, held from June 24th through July 12th, 2018, will feature morning league games, with English instruction taught by professionals in the afternoons. Outside of the classroom, sightseeing opportunities include trips to downtown Osaka, Kyoto, Nara, and a two-day trip to Okayama. Friendship events with go players from Okayama and Kansai will be held on Fridays.
The 3rd Japan Go Congress will be held in Takarazuka, immediately following the Osaka go camp, from July 13th through July 16th. The event features a number of tournaments, as well as a go symposium, game reviews, and simultaneous games with Japanese pros.
If you’re a go fan, interested in seeing Japan, be sure to check out this website, which features information about both events. “I promise that everyone can improve quite a lot through the camp and the congress and will have a lot of fun,” says Maeda. “We are looking forward to seeing you in Osaka and Takarazuka!” The cities are only eleven miles apart.
photo: at the 2017 Japan Go Congress
Categories: Japan,Main Page