American Go E-Journal

Grandmaster Morozevich on go, computers and cheating

Sunday October 29, 2017

Alexander Morozevich was once live-rated world no. 1, but at the age of 40 the Russian grandmaster has dropped to world no. 79 and barely2017.10.29_morozevich-barsky plays classical events, reports chess24. In a recent interview he talked about what he’s currently up to, explaining his fascination with go and how he’s watched as computers have conquered that game just as they did chess during his career. “I see very similar processes in what Go is going through and what happened in chess 10-15 years ago…For now it’s not quite formalised, but gradually, I think, they’ll follow the same path that we followed in chess.” In the article, Morozevich also talks about what he sees as the chess world’s reluctance to take cheating seriously, despite computer “doping” being so much more powerful than drugs in other sports.


Categories: Computer Go/AI