American Go E-Journal

Nat’l Go Center hosts Summer Sizzler tourney and “Surrounding Game” this weekend

Tuesday July 11, 2017

The temperature is definitely sizzling in DC. Unless you are enjoying the area beaches, the place to be on July 15 to get out of the heat is at the 2017.07.01_surrounding-game-evanstonSummer Sizzler tournament at the National Go Center. This is a 4-round AGA-rated tournament with prizes for all divisions. Doors open at 8:30 with first round at 9:00 AM. The at-the-door fee is $20/adult and $15/youth, but you can save 20% by pre-registering now online. Pre-register here.

The NGC is hosting the DC Premiere of “The Surrounding Game” at 7:30 PM on July 15, with a second showing at 1 PM on July 16. If you come to the Summer Sizzler tourney on the 15th, there will be time to get dinner at one of the many area restaurants and get back for the showing. and the Center will be open after for those who want to play some more go. No spoilers, but some local luminaries appear in the film as well.

Register for the Saturday night premiere here, or the Sunday afternoon showing here.

Categories: U.S./North America