American Go E-Journal

2017 International Collegiate Go Tournament set for Thailand

Monday February 13, 2017

The Ing Foundation is hosting the 2017 International Collegiate Go Tournament, to be held at Panyapiwat Institute of 2017.02.12_InternationalCollegiateTournamentLogoManagement, Bangkok, Thailand, this summer. The event starts on July 7th and will finish on the 13th. This event is open to any current, future, or recently graduated college (both undergraduate and graduate) student, who will or has attended school in the year 2017. All costs related to room, board, tours, and travel during the event will be covered by the Ing foundation. The student is responsible for getting to and from the tournament site(both international and domestic travel costs), and for any personal expenses such as souvenirs, and entertainment during the course of the trip. Click here for complete details.
– Michael Fodera

Categories: Youth