American Go E-Journal

More game records added to 2016 US Open crosstab; Go Congress survey

Tuesday September 20, 2016

Nearly two dozen game records have now been added to the 2016 US Open crosstab and the AGA is conducting its annual Go Congress survey. The Open is held at the US Go 2016.09.20_us-open-2016-DSC_0117Congress, the single biggest go event in North America each year, drawing hundreds of go players from across the country for a week of go events. Whether you’ve attended a Congress or not, the AGA would like your opinions on a few basic questions “so that we can make the Congress an even better annual event,” says AGA president Andy Okun. Click here now; survey participants will be eligible for cool go prizes.

If you’d like your 2016 US Open game records added to the crosstab, email them to Please make sure that all the game info is completely filled out. Thanks to Steve Colburn and Dennis Wheeler for posting the records.