American Go E-Journal

Did the AlphaGo Match Boost Interest in Go? (and more match follow-ups)

Saturday March 26, 2016

Did the AlphaGo Match Boost Interest in Go? Has your local go club seen a spike in interest in go? The Korean Baduk Association is looking for data on AlphaGo’s effect in the US, reports American Go Association president Andy Okun. “I suspect that it is not merely academic or journalistic interest,” says Okun. “In years past, KBA and KABA have used information like this to argue for private and government resources to promote baduk around the world. The value of something interesting could be significant and pretty soon.” Email Okun at president@usgo.org2016.03.26_daily-show

The Daily Show Covers Go: While reporting on artificial intelligence, Ronny Chieng investigates a Google program called AlphaGo, which has mastered the Chinese strategy game Go. (3:45)

Li Zhe 6P on the AlphaGo-Lee Sedol Match: The Massgoblog has published three articles by Li Zhe 6P on the recent AlphaGo-Lee Sedol match. The former National Champion of China scored seven consecutive wins in the 2007 Chinese Weiqi League A, including wins against Lee Sedol and Gu Li and in 2013 made the top four in the LG Cup. He’s currently studying philosophy at Beijing University. The essays are Lee Sedol’s Strategy and AlphaGo’s weakness; Nobody could have done a better job than Lee Sedol and Before Game 5. Translation by Yi Tong, Michael Chen and Chun Sun.

How the Computer Beat the Go Master
Scientific American

Darth Redmond

Garlock & Pinkerton Discuss AlphaGo Match on “World’s Finest Show”

Compilation of international publications about AlphaGo




Categories: Computer Go/AI