American Go E-Journal

18-year-old Andy Zalesak 2D Knocks Out Top Players to Win Triangle Memorial Tournament

Wednesday September 23, 2015

The Triangle Go Group of central North Carolina hosted the 15th Triangle Memorial Tournament at its traditional outdoor setting in Umstead 2015.09.23_Triangle-tournamentState Park in Cary NC on September 19.  The sensation of this year’s tournament was 18-year-old Andy Zalesak 2D, who defeated the top four rated players to capture Section A, his second 4-0 sweep of a North Carolina tournament this year.  Sharing second place at 3-1 were Dalan Robertson and John Moore.  Other section winners were Kerianne Squitire and Bob Bacon, 3-1 in Section B (6-7k); Vincent DiMattia, Alvin Chen, and Dale Blann, all 3-1 in Section C (9-11k); and Alex Kuang 16k with a perfect 4-0 in Section D.

Following tradition, lunch was provided for the players and all entry fees, plus an additional donation from the club, were returned to the players in prizes.  The tournament honors the memory of two Duke mathematics professors, Joe Shoenfield and Richard Scoville, who for decades played go daily at lunchtime and were mainstays in creating a go tradition in central North Carolina.
– Charles Alden; photo: Andy Zalesak (right) vs. Dalan Robertson at the Triangle Memorial Tournament; photo by Bob Bacon


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