American Go E-Journal

Second Go Congress Underway in Mexico City

Sunday August 30, 2015

Forty two go players signed up for the Mexican Open, a three-day, six-round tournament this weekend which is the main event of the second 2015.08.30_Mexico-Congress-viewColoquio de Go, or Go Congress, in Mexico City.  “Enthusiasm for go is much newer in 2015.08.30_Mexico-Congress-registerMexico than in the United States, but they have a bright future with indefatigable organizer, registrar and TD Emil Garcia,” reports Steve Burrall. Garcia  (seated in blue shirt) is also a very strong player, who placed sixth in the recent Prime Minister’s Cup.  Saturdays’s two rounds were followed by a lecture from Myungwan Kim 9p on a game he played with Lee Sedol that was a watershed event in his go playing career. Kim then played a simultaneous match with 12 local players.  The photo at right, the view from board #8 in the tournament room, shows the ruins of Tlatelolco, a former pyramid transformed into an adjacent church by the Spaniards.
– report/photos by EJ Special Correspondent Steve Burrall

Categories: Latin America