American Go E-Journal

Last Chance to Weigh In on Go Congress Survey

Monday August 31, 2015

“It would be great if there was a system in place to help people who want to play in the pair-go but don’t have a partner to find one”…”Live 2015.08.30_US-Go-Congress-Feng-Yun-DSC_0086broadcasting was good, but I’d rather see live pro comments on a large room with many go players”…”Include the topics discussed on the pro lecture schedule board”…These are just a few of the many suggestions submitted on the US Go Congress SurveyWhether you’ve attended a Go Congress or not, Congress organizers are interested in your opinions on a few basic questions so that they can make future Congresses even better. Click here by midnight this Wednesday to take the brief survey; participants are eligible for go prizes!
photo: Feng Yun 9P plays in a simul at the 2015 US Go Congress; photo by Chris Garlock