American Go E-Journal

Your Move/Readers Write: No Japanese Pros?

Tuesday June 16, 2015

No Japanese Pros? “I see the E-Journal is reporting the pros coming to the Go Congress (Top Pros Confirm for US Go Congress 6/8)” writes Bill Chiles.  “I’m a bit shocked there are no Japanese pros coming.  Why is that?!  Maeda Sensei is almost always there at the very least.”
We should have specified that this was a preliminary list; the Nihon Kiin and Kansai Kiin in Japan and KBA in Korea have not yet provided the names of their pros who will be in attendance.

About the Liebniz piece: “Most of this information about Leibniz’s acquaintance with go (Go Spotting: Leibniz calls go “ingenious and quite difficult” 6/11) can be found in The Go Player’s Almanac (2001) in Jaap K. Blom’s essay, Go in the West in the 18th Century, pages 38 to 42,” writes Richard Bozulich from Kiseido.