American Go E-Journal

YouTube’s Haylee to Play Live Against Nick Sibicky at US Go Congress

Tuesday May 26, 2015

Lee Hajin 3p, popularly known on YouTube as Haylee, will record one of her signature play-and-explain games at the US Go Congress, the AGA announced.  Though the exact format is still to be determined, her opposition will include fellow YouTube broadcaster Nick Sibicky, possibly as part of a team, said AGA VP of Operations Andrew Jackson. “The idea is we stream Hajin in one room telling us about her game while the 2015.05.26_HajinLee-Hayleeopponents are debating their fate in another room, probably also recorded.  We’ll edit the two videos together later to put on YouTube.” This year’s Congress runs August 1-9 in St Paul, MN.

In her videos, Hajin records as she plays a random player on Tygem, explaining her moves and thinking as she goes along.  In Haylee’s gentle but disciplined playing style, games usually proceed rather quietly until her opponent — generally a very strong player — makes a modest mistake and their game disintegrates like an airplane whose rivets turn out to have been made of putty. Lee, a frequent Go Congress attendee, does the Haylee videos as a sideline to her current job as Secretary General of the International Go Federation.  She has more than 2,800 subscribers and 214,000 views for her 90 videos.  Nick Sibicky started his YouTube channel with recordings of his DDK lessons at the Seattle Go Center, and they have grown in popularity, reaching nearly 9,000 subscribers with more than three quarters of a million views.
Andy Okun


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