Join the AGA for the first time, or renew your membership, and get free issues of Go World magazine, courtesy of the American Go Foundation (click here to take advantage of this offer). The more years you choose, the more issues you get. One year gets you two issues, two years gets five, three gets ten, four gets fifteen, and five years or more gives you twenty issues, and access to the rare issues that we have only limited supplies of.
With analysis of important games by top pros, instructional material for all levels, news and other features Go World Magazine is the ultimate resource for the serious player. The AGF has acquired the entire remaining inventory of this wonderful magazine. Some are quite plentiful — we have more than 600 copies of some issues — other rarer issues we have only a few of. When they’re gone, they’re gone! Click here to view the contents of each issue. Click here to make your choices and submit them online. Note: please renew your AGA membership first, and then fill out the form. We are offering this special through June.