American Go E-Journal

Kids Win Big in Portland

Friday March 27, 2015

Screen Shot 2015-03-20 at 12.38.42 PMTwenty-seven children, ranging from  preschool to 4th grade, played in a chess and go tournament at Taborspace in Portland, OR, on Sunday, March 15th, reports Peter Freedman. “This winds up the tournament season for players from the three schools where Fritz Balwit and I  teach afterschool chess and go clubs. Kahlial Lofquist is pictured holding  the school  Mind Sports Championship  trophy, awarded  to  the  school  with  the  highest  win/loss  percentage  for  chess  and  go  combined, which went to Irvington Elementary.” Go winners: 1st:  Tommy  Boyd, 4-0, Beverly Cleary; 2nd: Kahlial Lofquist  3 1/2 -0 (one bye), Irvington; 3rd: Olin Waxler, 3-1,  Beverly  Cleary. Also finishing  at 3-1, but  playing  weaker  opponents: Emmet Mayer and Mason Bonner. Chess winners: 1st: Leo Frankunas, Irvington; 2nd: Dylan Nakaji, Richmond; 3rd: Edwin  Chen, Ainsworth . Mind Sports records: First: Irvington, 24-20; 2nd: Beverly  Cleary, 13-12; 3rd: Richmond, 9-9. -Paul Barchilon, E-J Youth Editor. Photo by Peter Freedman.