American Go E-Journal

US Go Congress Tournament Ratings Expected to be Posted Soon

Monday September 29, 2014

The 2014 US Open Masters tournament has now been rated, and the other Congress tournaments are expected to follow suit soon. “We are2014.09.29_US-Open-2014-DSC_0095
cleaning up the last few membership issues and glitches in the data,” said AGA President Andy Okun.  “I hope to have the games from the US Open rated within the coming week, with the Die Hard, Self-Paired and Midnight Madness very close behind.  I am grateful for everyone’s patience.” Okun said that the kinds of issues that sometimes delay ratings “…errant digits in AGA ids, getting everyone’s renewals and new memberships processed, handling overseas guests and the like…” are amplified in a tournament with more than 300 players like the US Open. Watch the EJ for news about Congress ratings.
photo of the 2014 US Open main playing area by Chris Garlock