American Go E-Journal

AGA On-Line Games Off To A Promising Start

Wednesday October 30, 2013

AGA On-Line Games are off to a promising start since opening on October 1. “This program offers players an opportunity to play seriously but with a minimum of formality with a wide range of players of different strengths and styles,” says organizer Bob Gilman. “The simuls with AGA volunteers 4 dan and above offer a chance to test yourself and to see techniques and board vision that you may not ordinarily see in your games.” Registration remains open. For the self-paired tournament, there are 50 players now registered, with the following distributions: 1d-9d: 10; 1k-5k: 20; 6k-10k: 7; 11k+: 10; no tournament rating yet assigned: 3.

Tthrough October 26th, 37 players have participated in simuls with AGA volunteers ranked 4 to 7 dan. The simuls are held in the AGA Community Room on KGS. Upcoming simuls are posted in the AGA events calendar. The full schedule is available here.