American Go E-Journal

Big Turnout for Bay Area Go Summer Tournament

Monday August 26, 2013

Forty six kids and adults came out to San Francisco’s Japantown Center on August 17th for the Summer Go Tournament organized by Bay Area Go Players Association. Players ranged in strength from 7 dan to 21 kyu, and 13 people joined or renewed their AGA memberships in order to play in the event. Naoyuki Kai 7d (in photo at right) led the pack with an impressive 4-0 record.

“Some folks traveled three hours or more to get here, so I’m glad we could offer them a full day of competitive face-to-face go,” said Tournament Director Steve Burrall. Reports event organizer Roger Schrag, “Longtime local go leader and past US Go Congress co-director Ernest Brown took lots of pictures and made a beautiful slide show. I hope people who haven’t yet experienced playing in a go tournament will watch it to get an idea of how rewarding, fun, and social it is to play go over a physical board with dozens of other go players all around you.” Bay Area Go’s Fall Tournament is scheduled for Saturday, November 2 in Berkeley.

Winners report: First Division (7d-2d): 1st: Naoyuki Kai 7d. 2nd: Norman Tsai 5d. 3rd: Marshall Quander 2d. Second Division (1d-4k): 1st: Roger Schrag 4k. 2nd: Peter de Blanc 1d. 3rd: Daniel Yoo 4k. Third Division (5k-21k): Douglas Miller 16k. 2nd: James Lee 10k. 3rd: John Lengyel 8k.

Photos by Ernest Brown. 

Categories: U.S./North America