American Go E-Journal

Iyama Yuta Wins 67th Honinbo in Exciting 7th Game Showdown

Sunday July 22, 2012

Yamashita Keigo and Iyama Yuta - 67th Honinbo photoIyama Yuta 9P won his first Honinbo title on July 19. Iyama bested the defending title holder Yamashita Keigo 9P, 4-3 in the title match series. Go fans who’d been anticipating the game were not disappointed. The pair produced an exciting and highly unusual game that kept observers on the edge of their seats, providing serious competition for the Tour de France. A series of kos in the early middle game resulted in a division where white (Iyama) took over 70 points of solid territory and black took thickness across the remainder of the board. White went on to win by 7.5 points after some impressive shinogi (fending off black’s severe attacks). This year is also the 400th anniversary of the formation of the Honinbo house, making the tournament even more special than usual.
David Ormerod; based on his original article Iyama Yuta becomes Honinbo at Go Game Guru. An Younggil 8P has commented game 5 and game 7 of the Honinbo title match. Photo: Yamashita Keigo 9P (left) and Iyama Yuta 9P prepare to play the final game.