American Go E-Journal

Chiang Wins Happy Cup Youth Tourney

Monday May 21, 2012

Sixth-grader Anthony Chiang 2d topped the Fifth Sunflower Happy Cup Youth Go Tournament, with four wins, on May 20 in Cupertino, California. “A record number of over fifty elementary and middle school kids gathered together on a beautiful Sunday afternoon and played four to five rounds of 19×19 games,” reports Yanping Zhao, who co-organized the event with Wenguang Wang.  Players earned prize tickets after each round, and then used them to exchange various fancy prizes. “It was our way  to ensure a really fun experience for every kid,” reports Zhao.  Each participant was also rewarded with a trophy and at the event’s conclusion, all the kids and their parents enjoyed a refreshing ice cream party.  – Report by Wenguang Wang; photo by Andrew Tung: Anthony Chiang is in the blue shirt.