American Go E-Journal

EuroGoTV-News: December 9-18

Monday December 26, 2011

Austria: Schayan Hamrah 2d won the Austrian Championship, played 12/9-12 in Vienna, Austria.

Switzerland: In the 12/16-18 Swiss Go Camp League in Montbonvon, Switzerland, Semi Lee 4d took first place.

Hungary: Rita Pocsai 4d (right) won the Hungarian Championship, played 12/17-18 in Budapest, Hungary. In the fifth Nostalgia Cup, held 12/18 in Budapest, Gergely Meszaros 2k won top honors.

Turkey: Ozgur Degirmenci 2d won the 19th Alpar Kilinc Memorial Tournament, played 12/17-18 in ODTU/Ankara, Turkey.

Romania: Sergiu Dan Iugulescu 2d won the 3rd Radu Baciu Grand Prix, played 12/17-18 in Bucuresti, Romania. ( photo at left: Sebastian State 14k , who was 8th in the B-group )

Italy: In the second Torneo Atomo GO Club tournament, played 12/18 in Bologna, Italy Alessandro Pace 2d won first place.

Ukraine: The Ukrainian Meijin Title Match, played 11/6-12/18 in Kyiv, Ukraine, was won by Artem Kachanovskyi 7d (right ) who lost the first of the best-of-5 match to Dmytro Bohatskyi 6d , but by winning the next three games made it clear who was the undisputed Ukraine Meijin 2011.

– Excerpted from reports – including full results — on EuroGoTV

Categories: Europe