American Go E-Journal

Kohrt & Rohde Tie for Tops in Chi’s “Fan Mail from Flounders” Tourney

Wednesday November 23, 2011

Elijah Kohrt 3k and David Rohde 5k tied for first place in the High Kyu division of the Fan Mail from Flounders tournament, held November 19 in Chicago, IL. David Muskovitz 8k took first place in the Mid Kyu division, while Crystal Lin 17k won first in the Low Kyu division. “All four of these players won all four of their games,” reports TD Bob Barber, topping a field of 26 players. “Two of them are students of our local professional, Ms. Liping Huang. Lisa Scott brought a group from the under-appreciated South Side of Chicago.  The highlight of the day was when Lisa’s Mom, Laura Stith, joined us for pizza and soft drinks.  She is a real gem, and her presence allowed us to talk about something other than go for a change.  We’ve invited her back for the next tournament.”

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