American Go E-Journal

Dinerchtein’s “Intense” Korean-Style Insei League

Monday October 24, 2011

Alexandre Dinerchtein’s Korean-Style Insei League on the Kiseido Go Server is a training league aimed at providing online participants with an experience similar to Dinerchtein’s insei training in Korea. Dinnerchtein, a 7-time European champion, holds a 3 dan professional ranking from Korea. Besides Dinerchtein, League teachers include Christian Pop (solaris on KGS) and Fernando Aguilar (aguilar on KGS), who are also regular teachers in KGS Plus. AGA 7 dan Andy Liu (bigbadwolf on KGS) has also participated as a teacher. The League is open to amateurs 10 kyu or stronger. “This is an intense go experience,” reports Bob Gilman 5k, who’s enrolled in the October League. “Inseis are expected to play at least 12 games during the month with at least six different opponents. In addition, the schedule for the first two weeks includes 27 lectures or simultaneous games with teachers. A few of the lectures are in Russian but most in English. Some are also likely to be at awkward times for U.S. players. Still with so many events I’ve been able to attend plenty . There are a number of US players, so finding opponents in a nearby time zone is not so much of a problem. I am enjoying it.”