American Go E-Journal

The SportAccord World Mind Games

Saturday September 3, 2011

Preparation for the First Sport Accord World Mind Games is proceeding rapidly.  This event, to be held December 8-17 in Beijing, features six top international teams made up of four men and one woman each from China, Chinese Taipei, Japan, Korea, the European Union, and the U.S.  Two medals items will be played: team and pair go.  The U.S. team has been formed and is made up of Jie Li, Andy Liu, Mingjiu Jiang, Kevin Huang, and Yun Feng.  Yun Feng and Jie Li will also represent the U.S. in the pair-go tourney.  Several exciting side events to promote the main tournament will be held in the next two to three months.  Details should be forthcoming soon.
— reported by Thomas Hsiang

Categories: World