American Go E-Journal

Following the 2011 Go Congress on Twitter, KGS, EJ & Website

Saturday July 30, 2011

Now you can follow all the action at the 2011 U.S. Go Congress — which runs July 31-August 6 in Santa Barbara CA — in a number of ways:
AGA website: we’ll be posting updates each day throughout the week, including news, photos and games
E-Journal: daily reports drawn from the previous day’s website posts
Twitter: follow us @gocongress for updates by the EJ’s Steve Colburn
KGS: top boards at the U.S. Open every morning and top boards at the Ing Masters every night
Photo: American Go Association President Allan Abramson (r) enjoys a casual game Saturday morning as the 2011 U.S. Congress gets started on the UCSB campus in Santa Barbara, CA. photo by Steve Calburn.