Wouldn’t it be cool if every time you used your credit card you also helped to promote go, support tournaments, chapter services and the U.S. Mind Games team? Now you can do just that with the new AGA Visa credit card from Capital One.
The first time you use the card, the American Go Association will get $50 from Capital One. The AGA also gets small donations on every subsequent purchase: 2% on gas and grocery purchases, 1% on all other purchases and up to 10% on purchases made at select merchants.
”This is an easy and important way to support your national go organization,” said AGA President Allan Abramson. “With every swipe of the card – designed by our very own Mike Samuel – the AGA gets a donation-and you get to spread the word about the game of go.”
In addition to raising much-needed funds for the AGA’s face-to-face and online tournaments, Abramson noted that special events like the upcoming 2010 Mind Games will cost “as much as $30,000 to send a team. Using the AGA card just once will help get us there!”
Click here for details on the new AGA credit card. (Credit approval required. Terms and conditions apply. Offered by Capital
One, N.A. (c) 2010 Capital One)