American Go E-Journal

’11 Congress: Early Registrants Get Lower Price

Monday March 7, 2011

“By far we’ve received more questions about the Congress pricing than anything else” say organizers Lisa Scott and Andrew Jackson. “We want to bring unprecedented levels of transparency to Go Congress pricing, and we understand that can make it a bit difficult to budget.  In our ‘worst-case’ scenario, adult registration will be $365.  Students (19-25) will be $315, youth between 13 and 18, $265, and kids under 13 are $215.” As sponsorships, fundraising, and costs finalize in the coming months, Scott and Jackson say, “we will be able to cut these prices, perhaps by as much as $100!  However, only those who register before May 1st will receive these discounts — the sooner we know our numbers the better we can make this for everyone, so register online today!” Comments and feedback are welcome at

Categories: U.S. Go Congress