American Go E-Journal


Monday November 15, 2010

A total of 19 players ranging from 17 kyu to 2 dan attended a pair of one-day workshops recently with Tadashi Sasaki 8P in San Francisco and Menlo Park, CA. This was Sasaki’s first visit to Northern California in over 20 years, and he was pleased to finally get to ride the San Francisco cable cars. His last visit was shortly after the 1989 earthquake and the cable cars were not running. Each student got to play a teaching game with Sasaski, including review and analysis. The small class size each day allowed students to ask lots of questions and get individual attention. Click here for more photos. Asked what he enjoys doing when he isn’t playing go, Sasaski laughed and said “Teach go, of course.”
– photo by Paul Goodman

Categories: U.S./North America