American Go E-Journal


Monday August 16, 2010

Curtis Tang 7d,  was named Honorary Redmond Meijin at the final awards banquet at the US Go Congress, Aug. 7th.  Tang, now 17 years old, has a long history of success in the Redmond.  He took the Junior Division championship in 2001, 03, and 04, and then again in 2006 in the Senior Division.  This year marks his fifth win in the Cup, and also the last year he is eligible to play in it.  The only other person ever to win five times is Eric Lui, 7d, who won his fifth time in 2001, and was also named Redmond Meijin.  The title is honorary, and for life, so both young men are now Honorary Meijin.  None Redmond herself presented the Cup to Tang.  His winning matches in the finals are available online. Paul Barchilon, E-J Youth Editor.  Photo by Curtis Tang.