Winston Jen, the same donor who gave the AGA 100 sets of Hikaru no Go, has also donated four popular anime (cartoon) series as prizes for upcoming tournaments. Valued at over $225 retail, the Anime Prize Pack contains 28 DVDs and is free for AGA Chapters and at AGHS sponsored tournaments. Chapters may use these prizes to attract youth to adult events, or for youth specific events. “Hikaru no Go has contributed so much happiness to my life,” Jen, an Australian anime fan and translator who lives in Hong Kong, told the E-Journal, “I wanted to give something back to as many people as possible.” 100 multi volume sets of Hunter x Hunter, Fruits Basket, Kodocha, and The Girl Who Leapt Through time (both the movie and the graphic novel), were donated. The AGA is charging $20 to cover shipping and handling, full details are on the Anime Prize Page. To order, contact Chapter Services.
– Paul Barchilon, EJ Youth Editor
American Go E-Journal
Tuesday October 20, 2009