Here’s a round-up of some news, want ads and go spottings sent in over the last few weeks that we missed in the run-up to the recent U.S. Go Congress. Keep ’em coming!
Horn & Malinas win Davis-Sac Summer Tourney: The Davis/Sacramento Go Club held its Summer Tournament on July 29, 2017 at the Rancho Cordova Library in Sacramento. There were twelve players. Jeff Horn 1d (left), won the Upper Division and Alex Malinas 6k (right), won the Lower Division. Both had 3-1 records.
– Willard Haynes
Go art for sale: Six 12×16″ Go-themed original oil paintings on canvas stretched over wood frames, plus one smaller painting. $50 plus shipping from WV for all, payment by Paypal or credit card OK. Email and I will send you photos, or call 304-820-3167 anytime.
Promoting U.S. go in 1914: “If we Americans should adopt the game of go, the national game of Japan, it might do us a lot of good,” Lee Foster Hartman told The Sun in an article published in the New York City paper on April 12, 1914. Check it out here. Thanks to Catherine Fricheteau, who posted this on Facebook.
Caliban’s War: “It’s like playing go. It’s all about exerting influence. Controlling the board without occupying it.” That’s from James S. A. Corey’s “Caliban’s War (The Expanse Book 2, page 332),” which Garrett Smith says features “A discussion about political influence illustrated with our favorite game. Book series is basis for Expanse TV series on SyFy.”