American Go E-Journal » 2022 » September

Registration opens for Toronto Go Spectacular

Sunday September 4, 2022

Registration is now open for the first-ever Toronto Go Spectacular, scheduled for December 28-30 in Toronto, Canada.

The event, organized by the North American Go Federation, will include the first North American Professional championships, new North American youth championships, and two open tournaments. All the action will take place at the Japanese Canadian Cultural Center in Toronto, and players from around the world are welcome to participate in the open tournaments.

“We’re absolutely thrilled to host this exciting go event,” said Canadian Go Association president James Sedgwick. “It’s a great opportunity for go players to gather in a world-class city.” Incoming American Go Association president Gurujeet Khalsa added that he’s “looking forward to seeing a large contingent of U.S. players attend.”

The youth championships will include one for players under 12, and one for players under 16; 8 players and 2 alternates will be accepted for each competition. Apply by October 31st to guarantee your application will be considered. Citizenship in Canada or the USA is not required to compete in these events, only permanent resident status, but applicants must be members of either the CGA or AGA. Applicants for the U12 must be at least 5K and born on or after January 1st, 2011, and for the U16 must be at least 1K and born on or after January 1st, 2007. Those accepted will receive a $250 travel/accommodation subsidy.

Stay tuned for more announcements in the days and weeks ahead or sneak a peek on your own on the event website
